Do I need a screening if I already get blood tests through my doctor?
This is more than just a blood screening. We measure your blood pressure, body mass index (based on height and weight), heart rate and waist circumference. Based on this data as well as information gathered from a brief personal and family health history questionnaire, we are able to assess your risk category for six common […]
Can I be screened if I’m adopted and don’t know my family health history?
Yes, your results will be based on the information we are able to gather. If there is some missing family history information, a results report can still be generated.
What is the age range for this screening?
The age range is 21 to 80 years of age. Clinical data outside of this range are not available to determine one’s risk for the onset of disease. Please keep in mind that the recommended age for our other vascular screenings is 40 and above.
How often should I be screened?
You should be screened annually if your clinical values (blood pressure, cholesterol, BMI, etc.) are not in the normal range and if you are at high risk for disease onset. You may want to get screened more often to track your progress if you are making lifestyle changes to reduce your disease risks. If your […]